Championing Scientific Excellence For Future Generations

By empowering aspiring scientists from diverse backgrounds, we spark a fire within the future generation, igniting their passion for science and medicine to drive transformative discoveries and innovations. Through visionary initiatives such as the Kindergarten to Careers (K-C) program, we have increased our dedication to creating pathways that lead to our organization and the wider scientific and medical community for the next generation of diverse talent.

Futurelab+, our national biotech curriculum and volunteer network, builds on the success of our Futurelab program and expands access to inclusive STEM education across California and beyond. As of 2023, the curriculum has reached over 647,000 high school students across the United States, with 61% of schools serving Title 1* students. Together with our giving team, we are empowering the next generation and weaving ourselves into the fabric of the communities we serve.

In 2023, Genentech pledged its support to the Future Physicians Initiative, a Black/African American physician-led organization widely known as The 15 White Coats. With a total contribution of $578,000 (grant of $400,000, and $178,000 employee-generated funds), Genentech is taking a bold step to empower and equip 50 aspiring medical students from historically underrepresented backgrounds with the necessary tools to successfully matriculate into medical school by 2025.

A group photo of Black/African American physicians for Genentech’s The 15 White Coats initiative
The iconic 15 White Coats photograph was taken at the Whitney Plantation in Wallace, Louisiana, a site dedicated to preserving the history and memories of the enslaved people who lived and worked there. This location was chosen for its historical significance and is meant to honor the sacrifices of ancestors and contrasted with the symbol of medical achievement represented by the white coats, creates a powerful narrative of progress, resilience, and the breaking of barriers that have historically excluded people of color from spaces of higher learning and professional fields like medicine.
*Title I, Part A federal funds help to meet the educational needs of students in California schools. Funds are used to support effective, evidence-based educational strategies that close the achievement gap and enable the students to meet the state's challenging academic standards.
Our people data
As part of our commitment to Diversity & Inclusion, we are sharing enterprise-wide data related to our gender representation, race/ethnicity representation, and pay practices.
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